mercoledì 29 marzo 2017

Daily Volume Profile 29 marzo 2017

Usa, Morgan Stanley: divergenza clamorosa nei dati

29 marzo 2017, di Daniele Chicca
C’è un altro tipo di Spread da tenere d’occhio, diverso da quello tra i titoli di Stato sovrani dei paesi più e meno virtuosi. A fare luce sul fenomeno sono stati gli analisti di Morgan Stanley, i quali hanno scoperto un particolare preoccupante sulla prima economia al mondo. Esiste in questo momento unadivergenza clamorosa tra i dati macro reali della potenza americana e le previsioni e i numeri soggetti a libere interpretazioni.
Come si vede bene nel grafico sotto riportato, i risultati positivi appaiono concentrati quasi esclusivamente nei dati ‘soft’ mentre i dati macro ‘hard’ sono semplicemente in linea con le attese, senza grandi sorpresa positive. Nell’ultima riunione di politica monetaria la Federal Reserve, per esempio, non ha ritoccato di molto le sue previsioni sull’economia. I dati pubblicati sinora sono a tutti gli effetti in linea con le stime della banca centrale per il 2017.
Se si mettono a confronto i gap tra dati soft e hard negli anni passati, ossia tra la situazione percepita e quella reale, si scopre che la divergenza è da record. Può darsi che i numeri finiranno per coincidere. Un rimbalzo del Pil nel secondo trimestre sarebbe interpretato come una virata dei dati reali verso le previsioniL’appetito per il rischio in quel caso troverebbe una nuova fonte di ispirazione sui mercati.
Dal punto di vista di un economista, dice Morgan Stanley, ci si può aspettare una crescita del 2% dell’economia, “ma l’impatto del rimbalzo del secondo trimestre sarà relativamente limitato” e condizionato a pochi elementi, con un miglioramento dei consumi che sarà il fattore principale dietro alla crescita del periodo aprile-giugno. “Aiuteranno anche un profilo dell’offerta e un’attività commerciale leggermente migliori”.
Di conseguenza “se gli elementi catalizzatori della ripresa del secondo trimestre rimangono circoscritti a pochi settori specifici” e non sono invece generalizzati, “non ci attendiamo necessariamente una sorpresa positiva degli indici” in futuro. Come sottolineato già in precedenza, il problema per chi è ottimista e vede una buona performance di economia e mercati, è che storicamente le ultime cinque volte che un gap tra la realtà percepita e la realtà vera e propria dell’economia era così alto, l’indice S&P 500 ha vissuto un periodo difficile dopo, con cali dell’ordine del 6-19%:
  • Luglio 2007 -12%
  • Giugno 2009 -9%
  • Aprile 2010 -17%
  • Marzo 2011 -19%
  • Novembre 2014 -6%

“Soft” and “hard” data at widest divergence in history … Bearish For Equities

With the stock market selling off near 30 points on the S&P 500 by the close Tuesday – the Russel 2000, a “Trump rally” staple, was down 2 ¾% on the day and now negative on the year – a European Equity Strategy report from Morgan Stanley makes four key weekly observations. Chief among them is a widening gap between hard data and “ soft data ” US economic data, one that points to trouble for the stock market. This comes as corporate stock buyback programs appear to be having more success in the EU than the US and bond flows are outpacing equities as a strong pace of Fed rate hikes lies ahead.
Soft Data

Soft Data

Differential between hard and Soft Data at among widest point of divergence in history

When Donald Trump’s surprise election created significant market volatility – stocks initially sold off significantly before recovering in the morning, then gaining significantly higher – such upside market volatility was unique in history.
The election ushered in a sense of confidence that was anecdotally noted – bringing out “animal spirits” where issues such as deregulation and tax reform for instance. There were also indicators regarding “soft” data such as sentiment that can be quantifiably benchmarked. The University of Michigan’s consumer confidence numbers are up along with CEO confidence figures and manufacturing firm confidence.
Such “soft” data measuring how people feel is juxtaposed to “hard” data, which wasn’t sending as confident a message.
Morgan Stanley’s European research team of Graham Secker, Matthew Garman, Krupa Patel and Lillian Huang note the divergence with hard data. Growth in residential investment has remained stagnant while traditional measures such as GDP growth, business investment and average wages have remained sluggish.
In fact, the differential between the “soft” and “hard” numbers was at its second widest point in 17 years of measuring data – February 2011 was the only other example of such a data divergence.
The gap between soft and hard data is historically a sign of stock market trouble ahead, the March 17 Morgan Stanley report noted.
Specifically,  the analysts state:
When the gap between the ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ data has reached similarly elevated levels, it has usually been a negative signal for equities. The main occasion where this was not true was in 2009, where economic sentiment had started to improve rapidly ahead of a subsequent improvement in hard activity data. However, if this proves to be an occasion where hope is triumphing over reality, equities would appear vulnerable.

Stock buyback strategy has lost its power, but don’t fear the interest rate increases, even if they become aggressive

But it is not just the differential between hard and soft data that is among Morgan Stanley’s key weekly observations. Stock buyback programs – the practice of financial engineering where a corporation buys its own shares of stock, most often boosting the stock price – appears not to be working in the US to the same degree as it is in Europe.
The volume of European stock buyback programs is at a ten year low. But despite the lack of popularity of the corporate tactic, it is working to a higher degree. Those European corporations engaged in buybacks are doing significantly better than their regional counterparts who are not engaged in such stock price enhancing exercises. Noteworthy, however, is how the buyback practice in Europe is finding success when the strategy is apparently not widely used by corporations, but in the US, where the strategy is popular, buybacks are underperforming relative to their European counterparts.
The lack of power behind the buyback strategy in the US comes as asset flows into US bond funds are outpacing comparable flows into equities.
With interest rates rising – and talk of multiple Fed rate hikes making bond investors nervous, as the value of a bond declines when interest rates rise — US bond funds have actually seen fractionally stronger inflows than US equities, the report noted. “We illustrate though, that relative performance of equities vs bonds usually leads flows by ~6M, which would suggest an impending rotation, as the returns from equities vs bonds has reached a 3Y high.”
But don’t entirely fret those rate hikes. The fourth insight that Morgan Stanley noted was the impact of Fed rate hikes – even aggressive ones – not necessarily being a stock market negative.
A pace of 4-5 rate hikes in any 12M period is normal during a hiking cycle. While this pace of hikes may appear alarming, historically equities have usually performed fine during these periods, as rising EPS has trumped lower valuations. The price reaction from US bonds and equities to this week’s rate hike was the most bullish in 18 years, and the seventh best in history.
Don’t fear the rate hike, investors.

giovedì 23 marzo 2017

Daily Volume Profile 23 marzo 2017

Wall Street a nervi tesi per voto riforma Obamacare, quello che c’è da sapere

In mattinata a Wall Street, in attesa del voto sulla sostituzione dell’Obamacare, tutto sembrava sotto controllo. L’indice S&P 500 ha realizzato un rialzo dello 0,11% nella prima parte di seduta; l’aspettativa del mercato è enorme per la prima grande prova politica per la nuova amministrazione Trump. Non appena è arrivata la notizia circa il rinvio del voto alla Camera a lunedì, per mancanza di voti a favore sufficienti, il mercato Usa ha perso la bussola e i listini azionari principali hanno intrapreso la strada dei ribassi.
Se la legge sull’assistenza sanitaria dovesse naufragare, il timore di molti analisti è che si allontanerebbero gli ambiziosi piani di riforma fiscale al centro dell’agenda economica del nuovo presidente degli Stati Uniti. Secondo le recenti esternazioni del deputato repubblicano Kevin Brady la caccia ai 215 voti necessari per far passare il “bill” alla Camera dei rappresentanti è vicina (“al 95%”) ad assicurare la buona riuscita della riforma, ma insufficiente a garantire un successo.
Anche se il voto era previsto per oggi, giovedì, non si dovrebbe decidere nulla prima di lunedì. Le divisioni in seno al partito conservatore non sono state sanate in tempo. Da parte dei leader repubblicani, un partito sempre più frammentato sulla questione del controverso piano di assistenza medica, si è subito fatto presente che le tempistiche si sarebbero potute allargare; qui esiste la possibilità che gli investitori interpretino il rinvio come un segno di debolezza.
“C’è stato un mucchio di ottimismo in merito all’amministrazione Trump, questo [dell’Obamacare Ndr.] potrebbe ben essere il primo contrattempo”, ha dichiarato a Reuters Erik Davidson Cio presso Wells Fargo Private Bank, “ciò che il mercato vuole e che si vada oltre la questione sanitaria così da proseguire verso la riforma fiscale”.
È infatti su questo punto che si concentrano le maggiori aspettative rialziste, visto che in campagna elettorale Trump aveva promesso una sforbiciata dell’imposta federale sui redditi delle società dal 35 al 15% (anche se in tempi più recenti il taglio non è stato quantificato).
Per il momento non si può dare per scontato l’accordo con la House Freedom Caucus, il gruppo conservatore repubblicano i cui 29 voti in aula sono condizionati da posizioni assai più radicali sul tema della sanità. Il membro del Caucus, Ted Yoho ha dichiarato a Cnbc che voterà contro il piano sanitario del GOP (il partito Repubblicano), essendo a favore di “una completa abrogazione” dell’Obamacare; ha però riconosciuto che le trattative sono tuttora in corso e che “ci si sta avvicinando” a un nuovo accordo.

Daily Volume Profile 22 marzo 2017

martedì 21 marzo 2017

Daily Volume Profile 21 marzo 2017

Commento Lengua del 22 marzo 2017 (giorno dopo)

Un evento clou sarà la votazione della modifica dell obamacare alla Camera Usa previsto per giovedì 23 marzo. Infatti la principale motivazione, il catalyst  per il calo del 21 marzo pare sia la netta difficoltà che avrà trump per fare passare il suo pioano alternativo all obamacare, in voto giovedi.   Alla Camera i repubblicani possono permettersi di perdere al max 21 voti, invece sono 26 quelli contrari.
questo ha messo in dubbio tutti i prossimi step politici,riforma fiscale, ecc ecc, quindi si sgonfia il trump rally.
in realtà sono eventi di cui si parla da parecchio, e quindi non ci sarebbe niente da stupirsi se ES scendesse intorno a 2260 2270... ricordo che es ha chiuso a 2233 il 31 12 2016
Anche se il bill di trump passasse, cio' evidenzia chiaramente la difficoltà che il POTUS sta incontrando nel portare avanti il suo programma, qundi preferisco , sugli strappi al rialzo (ricoperture ce ne saranno, penso che alla fine questo bill passerà e ci sarà un relief rally) mi piacerebbe entrare short indici USA, non tramite opzioni (le ho già) ma direttamente su futures.

Composite Volume Profile 15 mar - 20 mar 2017

venerdì 10 marzo 2017

Rollover Dates And Expiration

A contract month is the month in which a futures contract expires. All of the e-mini stock index futures contracts trade on the March quarterly expiration cycle (March, June, September and December). Each month is represented by a single letter:
  • H = March
  • M = June
  • U = September
  • Z = December 
Each contract is known by its ticker symbol, the contract month and the year in which the contract is traded. The complete name for the March 2012 TF contract, for example, would be "TFH12" (see Figure 4).

Figure 4 - Each futures contract is known by its ticker symbol, contract month and year in which the contract is traded.

E-mini contracts are similar to other futures contracts in that they have a defined length and specified expiration. The e-mini stock index futures expires at the same time and to the same price as their larger counterpart contracts (for example, the e-mini S&P 500 contract expires at the same time as the standard, full-sized S&P 500 contract). The expiration date (or final trading day) is the last day that a futures contract is valid. Since futures contracts have delivery months (or contract months, such as H, M, U and Z), the expiration is the time and the day that the particular contract stops trading. The final settlement price for the contract is also determined. Expiration for the e-minis stock index futures contracts (including ES, NQ, YM and TF) occurs at 9:30 am EST on the third Friday of the delivery months, such as the third Friday in March for a March contract, or the third Friday in December for a December contract.

When a contract expires, it does not expire worthless (like an options contract would). Instead, an open position rolls over to the new contract.

RolloverContract Rollover occurs on the Thursday a week before the expiration Friday - for the e-minis, this is the second Thursday of March, June, September and December (if the Rollover month starts on a Friday, the Rollover is the first Thursday of the month). The next contract becomes the "lead contract" or the "front month". Even though the previous contract continues to trade until expiration, the majority of trading moves to the next contract. For example, if the TFU12 contract expires on September 21, the rollover date would be the previous Thursday, or September 13, in this case. The majority of trading would switch to the December contract (TFZ12) as of market open (9:30 am EST) on the rollover date.

Figure 5 illustrates the increase in volume that switches to the next contract as of the Rollover date. In the example, the June and September ES contracts are shown. The Rollover (June 7) date is indicated by the yellow arrows, along with the June contract's expiration. Notice the increase in volume for the September contract that coincides with the Rollover date. Trading for the June contract ceases as of the expiration.

Figure 5 - These daily charts show the June and September 2012 ES contracts. The Rollover (June 7) dates are indicated by the yellow arrows, along with the June contract\'s expiration. Notice the increase in volume for the September contract that coincides with the Rollover date. Chart created with TradeStation.

Trading the Contract Rollover 
Many active traders will trade the "old" contract on Rollover day, and then switch to the "new" contract on the next day, or make the switch on the actual Rollover day. Figure 5 shows that after Rollover, the volume of the current contract (June) wanes, while the volume of the upcoming contract (September) increases. In general, traders should move into the new contract as volume moves from one to the other. Some traders avoid Rollover day altogether because it is considered by many to be choppy and challenging to trade. It is important to do your own homework and research to determine if your trading strategy is affected by Rollover trading. 

Continuous ContractsThe continuous contract is a combination of the various delivery months of a contract. It allows traders and investors to view the historical price movement (and historical technical analysis) over multiple contracts. The continuous contract is vital to strategy development and backtesting, since it accounts for years of trading data. Often, the symbol for the continuous contract is the contract's ticker symbol, preceded by the "@" symbol. The continuous NQ contract, for example, would be designated "@NQ." 

Figure 6 shows a weekly chart of the continuous NQ contract. Notice that the chart appears as seamless as that of a regular stock chart. Typically, the continuous contract is used for analysis purposes only and not for actual trading.

SEE: Backtesting: Interpreting The Past

Figure 6 - The continuous NQ contract, shown on a weekly chart.

Read more: Intermediate Guide To E-Mini Futures Contracts - Rollover Dates And Expiration | Investopedia
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15 marzo 2017

gli indici europei stanno rollando le posizioni da marzo a giugno.  alcuni contratti tolgono i dividendi, per cui ci sono dei gap down molto sostenuti: 
  il ftmib scende di 400 punti, 
  lo stoxx 78, 
  i bancari 3,2
  il dax invece sale di 32 ticks.

Il giorno in cui sul giugno scambieranno volumi piu alti che sul marzo è giovedi sul ftmib, mentre x gli altri cio accade solo venerdi
gli orari di settlement, in cui possono accadere dei flash crash, sono  

11.50-12.00 per lo sto, 
13-.13.10 dax, 
14.30 (all open) per gli USA.

Daily Volume Profile 09 marzo 2017

Daily Volume Profile 08 marzo 2017

venerdì 3 marzo 2017

Daily Volume Profile 3 marzo 2017

Arora Report: "Three-Quarters Of Today's Market Surge Is From A Massive Short Squeeze"

Tyler Durden's picture
For those wondering what unleashed today's ferocious post-Trump, post-hawkish Fed speeches rally, the reason may have nothing to do with optimism in the economy or another inflow of retail funds via ETFs, and everything to do with a buildup of bearish short positions ahead of Trump's speech last night.
According to an analysis by the Arora Report, flagged first by Market Watch, and substantiated by various Wall Street comments early in the morning, ahead of Trump's speech various "large players" were positioned bearishly, assuming that the market rally has been based on hope and that, and that unless the president gave details about plans for the economy, there would be a big selloff. The reasoning, broadly echoed by strategists until yesterday, is that by looking at past speeches of presidents before Congress, the details are almost never there. So it appeared a perfect setup to short sell. And, according to algorithms used by The Arora Report, major traders did just that, building up substantial short positions ahead of Trump's speech, as shown on the chart below.
However, just like after the Brexit vote, and after the Trump election, following Trump's speech, when the market did not fall, shorts were forced to cover their positions, sending prices soaring. The initial squeeze and its progression are shown on the chart. This forced-buying made futures run up prior to the 9:30 a.m. start of trading in New York. When the stock market “gapped up” at the open, computers and their algorithms took over and bought aggressively. That triggered other algorithms, exaggerating the move. It is this squeeze that was interpreted as a confirmation of how good Trump's speech was.
As MarketWatch cynically points out, talking heads on TV were quick to say that the stock market was rising because Trump was conciliatory in his speech and muses "what happened to those same talking heads’ pronouncements a day earlier that the market would fall if Trump failed to mention specifics of his economic plans?"
"What happened" is what we explained just prior to the open: "Wall Street Scrambles To Change The Trump Narrative Again."
So quantifying the move, according to the Arora algorithms, about three-quarters of the increase in stock prices today is from short squeezes. Traditionally, spikes resulting from short squeezes arising out of positioning from an overbought market tend to reverse themselves, the report notes, however over the past year, every single attempt to short the market into submission has resulted in even greater ramps higher. 
"For that reason, as hard as it is, it is prudent to be patient and wait for pullbacks to buy stocks. There are reasons to be bullish. But, alas, the market is not likely to keep rising in a straight line."
Unless, of course, "it's different this time." And while that hardly likely, the answer to when normalcy may finally return, remains elusive. For now, however, money talks, and anyone who was long into today's rally is richer. Those who were short into it, on the other hand, well...